There are a lot of delicious Italian pasta recipes. Of course, you can choose the easiest and the cheapest recipe.

Pasta is a popular Italian food. Rather than just buying pasta from a restaurant, you can make your own pasta at home.

With an easy recipe, you can get delicious and incredible Italian pasta. Let’s check the recipe here!

Cheapest Italian Pasta Recipe and Easy to Make at Home

Easy Italian Pasta Recipe

Italy has the most interesting cuisine. One of the best Italian foods is pasta. There are even tons of interesting pasta recipes that you might try yourself at home.

For your information, Italians eat pasta almost every day. Pasta becomes one of their comfort daily foods.

Pasta is part of their traditions. This is a back canvas that can be dressed with vegetables, or everything you like.

There are a lot of pasta recipes nowadays. You can choose the easiest recipe. After that, you can try to re-cook that.


To make Italian pasta, you should prepare all the ingredients first. To make it easy, you can find all the ingredients in the market.

These are some ingredients you should have to make delicious Italian Pasta:

  • 2 1/2 cups of uncooked cavatappi pasta
  • 2 lb bulk of spicy Italian pork sausage.
  • 6 to 7 medium plum tomatoes. Don’t forget to seed and chopped it until about 1 1/2 cups.
  • 1 cup of heavy whipping cream.
  • 1/2 cream shredded fresh Parmesan cheese.

You can also add a lil bit more ingredients that you like so this Italian pasta Recipe will taste so good.’


After you get all the ingredients, next you can move on to the steps. Because it’s an easy recipe, the steps are of course not that hard.

  • First, you should cook your pasta.
  • After the pasta has been cooked, next you can drain it. You should be careful and cook pasta as directed on the package.
  • Take a large skillet, and cook the sausage over medium heat. Don’t forget to stir it frequently until browned.
  • Drain it and return to the skillet.
  • You can add tomatoes and cream, then drain the pasta into the sausage. Stir gently to mix that,
  • Cook over medium heat and keep stirring it frequently until thoroughly heated but don’t make it boil.
  • Last, sprinkle pasta with cheese.

You can use any type of pasta as you like. But, most pasta is fragile so you have to be careful with it. But, you can still use this recipe for any type of pasta.

That’s the easiest Italian pasta recipe that you can try at home. All ingredients are mostly available on the market and the steps are simple.